Executive Director’s

Baidarie throughout the year 2022 continued its efforts for (a) having in place “inclusive, efficient, transparent and accountable” system of local governance, (b) building and diversifying the potentials of the women & girls for accessing the employability options and spaces in gender responsive environment and /or enabling them to set up and profitably run women owned micro/small businesses, (c) providing healthcare facilities to women and children (d) Increasing awareness in communities about the risks associated with the irregular and legally insecure migration adventures and benefits of legally secure and safe migration to the countries of destination ( e ) increaing financial literacy and (f) overall socioeconomic empowerment of women, girls, youth, persons with physical disabilities, non-Muslims, peasants and workers.

While extending its heartiest gratitude to the chairperson and members of BoD for their continuous strategic guidance and oversight, support agencies, government department/institutions, communities and media, Baidarie would like to express its firm resolve for continuation of its struggle to make life easier and better for the voiceless and unheard segments in our rural, semi urban social fabric.

Best wishes for all for a Happy New Year 2023.

Arshid Mehmood Mirza

Year 2023 is here now. The year invites us to take-up new challenges and opportunities which are presented before us in economically and technologically advanced world. New technological advancements, political growth and more importantly human resilience in the midst of global pandemics, economic recessions and other climate related threats provide clear evidence that this generation is better prepared for future and its challenges.

Women in Pakistan have shown great resolve and strength in dealing with recurring socio-economic and political challenges. Rural women in particular have negotiated well with forces of violence, economic hardships and political exclusion. COVID-19 and its aftereffects on livelihood, health and wellbeing have been too daunting for already impoverished population. Poverty scale has risen, especially rural poverty has hit new heights yet women’s struggle to deal with these hardships is exemplary. 2022 was a challenging year but 2023 will write new stories of women achievements and successes. Women in parliaments, in local governments, in informal sector, industry, trade, agriculture, sports, science and technology have time and again proved their worth and in many spheres in leading positions. Women have always been resilient and strong in time of crisis, pandemics, disasters, recessions and forced exclusions.

We shall welcome year 2023 with renewed commitment to work for democratic development, inclusive economic and social growth for all (women, transgender, persons with special abilities, minorities and other vulnerable). Future of Pakistan is in an inclusive, equitable and just development. Baidarie will continue its mission for dignity, equality, economic well-being and political participation of women especially rural women.

Irfan Mufti
